Breaktime Bible Study: Speaking Up

Speaking Up

Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity? Psalm 58:1

The enemies of David used many ways to bring him down. One way would be for the rulers to speak unjustly and to keep silent when they should have spoken. The absence of words declared David guilty. Silence is not always the best course of action. So even when those who surrounded Saul could see Davids's integrity, yet they failed to speak.

What do we do when we have an opportunity to stand up for the innocent? For followers of Saul, they were intimidated by him, so they remained silent. Are we able to stand up for others when they are being mistreated, but do it lovingly? When we see the injustice of others, we can defend but always let it be done in love.

How can we break the silence of injustice and yet not participate in further hate? Speaking truth in love and don’t deny unfairness would be a start. Walk beside all people with grace and mercy, showing them favor. Remember, next time you see someone treated unfairly, step in with truth and grace. But keep yourself from responding in hate. God’s words of righteousness are always ready to speak through us.

“He who refrains from defending the right is himself an accomplice in the wrong.” (Spurgeon)

Today in the Workplace

Do you need to speak up?

Breaktime Bible Study: Speaking Up

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture

Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity? Psalm 58:1

3.Answer These Questions:

David is mocking the rulers. The rulers were not defending what is right in this passage.

When you judge the actions of others, are they fair?

Do you speak up when you notice injustice?

What are some ways you can defend the wrong but do it in love?