Breaktime Bible Study: Always Generous
In God
In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise— Psalm 56:10
Much can be said and done in God. The praise in God depicts the Psalmist position for
approval. He stood in one place, and that was in God. This is where the words for David’s life existed. “In God” is where he found his reason to exclaim his reason for adoration. David’s relationship with God is where he found his source of life.
Life can be challenging, as we all know. We face many problems and troubles around us every day, but knowing where to find the answers is the key. With David, solutions are found in the word of God. There wasn’t another source for David; the words of God is where his praise started and finished.
Life can be difficult without having our life meaning found in God. Where are you finding life’s meaning and purpose? We don’t have to wait to see ourselves in God; this can be done quickly by trusting what God has to say about all of life and accepting his authority over our life. When we find God as our power, then we can stop struggling to find life’s meaning. Where do we find the answer to life's purpose?
Today in the Workplace
What does in God mean to you?
Breaktime Bible Study: In God
1. Read Today’s Breaktime
2. Review Scripture
In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise— Psalm 56:10
3.Answer These Questions:
What is David doing in this passage?
What does it mean to find yourself in God?
What are the temptations you face to finding meaning in life?
The Words of God will give us meaning. Are you listening to His Words?