Breaktime Bible Study: Do you need Reminded?

Do you Need Reminding?

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5

Most of the time, through trials, we can quickly lose sight of who is mighty. Our circumstances can convince us they are more significant than our God. Remembering God, no matter what we face, is a daily challenge. However, I must remind us, in the middle of wherever we are is the place to exalt who God is.

Just like each of us, David faced many trials, and he didn’t deny the obstacles of life, but he learned to exalt God through them. He lived in the reality of his enemies pursuing him, but he used it as an opportunity to promote God. He had an astounding heart that chased God regardless of the pressures of life.

It could be the very time in your life to be reminded it is time to exalt God. If you have symptoms of fear or anxiousness, it is time to be told God is above depression and despair. God’s glory and presence prevail over all of life’s situations. He can use whatever you are facing to reveal His greatness. It is time to be reminded that every sickness and disease holds no power over God, for He is exalted above all.

Today in the Workplace

Sit for a moment and acknowledge God’s greatness!

Breaktime Bible Study: Do You Need Reminding

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5

3.Answer These Questions:

What is David’s prayer?

How do you practice exalting God?

What in your life challenges your view of God’s greatness?