Breaktime Bible Study: Adoration


You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. Psalm 45:2

When the heart is in the right place, it can realize the excellence which is always before them for a loving soul is able to recognize the beauty before them. The Psalmist is having an encounter with the Most High and his eyes can see the Glory of God. So as a result, He is able to pen the beauty of God.

A warm heart is able to see the affections of what God is doing. It is so much more than an emotional experience, but a true adoration. It is the humble heart that is able to see the movement of God and able to respond to God with actions and words.

But we have to be careful of what is catching our eyes attention. We can stare at the world long enough that we begin to become attracted to what it offers. Our soul can become tainted with the desires of the world instead of God when we keep the world as our focus. There are many people we can admire but when our God is kept in focus, everything changes and our words become filled with words of blessing.

Today in the Workplace

What is holding your attention?

Breaktime Bible Study: Adoration

1. Read today’s Breaktime

2.Review Scripture

You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. Psalm 45:2

3. Answer Questions

What are the words the Psalmist is using to describe the King?

Have you ever called someone the most excellent of men?

Who do you admire? Why?

What are the words you would you use to describe Jesus?