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Breaktime Bible Study: God is Listening to your Life

God is Listening to Your Life

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. Psalm 61:1

The Lord is listening to our prayers; He can hear each word we cry. David’s need for God to listen to him came in the tune of a shrill cry before the Lord. He holds nothing back of the need He has of God in his life. David’s humility teaches us to vent our feelings before God.

Spurgeon says it this way,

Pharisees may rest in their prayers; true believers are eager for an answer to them: ritualists may be satisfied when they have ‘said or sung’ their litanies and collects, but living children of God will never rest till their supplications have entered the ears of the Lord God of Sabaoth.

As a child of God, we stay at rest, knowing that our prayers are being heard and answered. We stay in a place of unceasing language before God with all of life. We have come to realize prayer is the avenue for growth. We travel through life dependent and surrendered to the need of our Father’s intervention. We continue to move forward in faith, knowing God has bent His ear our way.

Prayer is the force behind our confidence in God. We have learned our ego will fail us, but God’s love never fails. Our ego trips are short roads of failure, but with God, all things are possible. We forgo our journey on the ego street to find our success is waiting for us in prayer. Therefore, we can boldly face life and run in the promises God is providing. Enjoy!

Today in the Workplace

Do you enjoy knowing God is listening to your life?

Breaktime Bible Study: God is Listening to Your Life

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. Psalm 61:1

3.Answer These Questions:

What is David asking for in this passage?

What emotion is he facing?

How are you at sharing your emotions before God?

How has God shown you that prayer is the avenue?