Breaktime Bible Study: Heroes
With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:12
With God is where David found the gain of victory. He identified where his win truly was and where it wasn't. He understood that triumph over the enemy was going to be all because of God. His praise for success wasn’t found in his strength or knowledge but in His Lord. He was confident that the courage he maintained was in the Lord.
Could David be called a hero? “A true hero is the man who rises above the base cowardice of his own nature to do a noble and courageous deed when shaken by the dread of its consequences. (Rimmer, 95). Where are the heroes today−The Ones that deny being a coward and walk-in courage despite the results?
Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Could it be the hero is the one who is obedient and willing to follow even if no one else will go? The one who will be bold and run the race and not compromise values even if it means a loss of financial gain. The heroes are the ones who will consider the needs of others above their own. They are the ones who will be genuinely concerned about the needs of others, and heroes are the ones who will go despite what they have to lose or gain; they will be obedient.
Today in the Workplace
Are you a hero?
Breaktime Bible Study: Hereos
1. Read Today’s Breaktime
2. Review Scripture
With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:12
3.Answer These Questions:
How is David confident? What does He expect God to do?
Where is your confidence?
How would you define a hero?
What is God calling you into?