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Breaktime Bible Study: Charmer

The Charmer

Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer,

however skillful the enchanter may be. Psalm 58:4,5

The charmer is the one who calms and controls the deadliest snakes. David, however, sees the wicked around him unable to be dissuaded of their destructive course. They lack common sense and are unable to hear what wisdom is trying to say. They have reached a state of rebellion as they thrive off of wickedness. Their heart is deadened to understanding.

Friends, this could be what happens when we notice the deadly destruction around us. Some have reached a state of rebellion, and there seems to be no hope as even the calmest of words may fall on deaf ears. We may have noticed in our hearts when we are hurting, we have ignored the words of others, and if left unattended, rebellion can set in.

Our role is to keep our hearts clean of sin before we are unable to hear the words of truth. When we find ourselves resisting the truth, we may be captivated by sin. When we turn away from sin, we find our hearts open and softening to all God has. Is there a place in your heart that you need to ask for the power of God to overcome? Are you resisting truth and grace in your life? Do you find yourself resisting the Words of God?

Today in the Workplace

Invite God in all instead of trying to overcome on your own.

Breaktime Bible Study: The Charmer

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture

4 Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer,

however skillful the enchanter may be. Psalm 58:4,5

3.Answer These Questions:

What is David describing here? How bad can a heart get?

Is there any area in your life where you're resisting the Word of God?


Where do you need God’s softening in your heart?