Breaktime Bible Study: The Image
The Image
For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter, Psalm 59:12
Now here is a prayer for the prideful in your life, God catch them in their pride. However, we better be careful, asking God to do such a task because we might be the ones dealing with pride. Pride is a deadly sin because it is readily accepted and, for most, a way of life. David desired the proud to be found for the sins of their mouth.
What if we were found for the sins of our mouth? How does pride show up in the mouth? When the ego is found in the mouth, it utters lies and curses. Pride tries to protect self so the natural language would be lies and curses. Pride is concerned with me, and if a lie works then, it speaks. If a lie will make me look better, then it is spoken. If cursing someone else makes them look worse and makes me look better, then it is spoken.
The spoken language of pride is concerned only with the outcome of self. Think about the words you speak, are they true even if they may ruin your image? Are you caught up speaking poorly of others so you can make yourself look better? The culprit behind gossip and backbiting is patting our ego. The sad reality is that behind the words, it shows the person's heart and authentic self. If there is truth in what you read about yourself, then you are listening to the Spirit. He will help you create the image God designed for you. All we need to do is ask for His help to show us our way out.
Today in the Workplace
Do you need the Spirit’s help with your image?
Breaktime Bible Study: The Image
1. Read Today’s Breaktime
2. Review Scripture
12 For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter, Psalm 59:12
3.Answer These Questions:
What are the weapons of David’s enemies in the passage? Why do you think they used them?
Do you ever use lies as a way out? Why?
Do you use cursing others as a weapon? What good does it do?
If you answered yes, the Spirit could lead you into truth and teach you your true image. Do you want/need His help?