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Breaktime Bible Study: I Will Praise You

Speaking the Truth

3 Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies. Psalm 58:3

It's incredible to watch how soon even a child learns to demand their own way. Even from an infant stage, they learn to insist on getting what they want and need. Also, as adults, we have learned the skill of living life our own way. One of the proofs of a wayward heart is speaking untruth, even the smallest of white lies.

It doesn’t take long to pick up the skill of throwing in a lie or two to get out of a difficult situation. We tell a lie to get our way, make it easier on self. Lying is a symptom of a much larger problem. The challenge is to keep our heart before God continually, even while considering lying.

We can’t do life apart from God, and lying is a sign of a heart that has fallen. God is always available to empower our hearts to walk away from the weight of falsehood. Truth is still the answer and will always be the answer, for the truth will set you free.

Today in the Workplace

What truth do you need to speak today?

Breaktime Bible Study: Speaking the Truth

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture

3 Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies. Psalm 58:3

3.Answer These Questions:

What is happening in this Scripture?

What is wrong?

Why would you choose to lie?

What happens when lies are spread?

What is the answer?