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Bring Justice
 Because of their wickedness do not let them escape; in your anger, God, bring the nations down.  Psalm 56:7

David knew that evil people liked to hide their wickedness, but he also knew God could see it all. David is asking God to bring down the nation because of the evil. He is even asking God to respond to his anger against that evil. What a courageous prayer!

We probably haven’t had too many prayers like this- asking God to bring down the nations. But haven’t we all wanted God to bring justice and treat people as they deserve? But wait, that would mean God would have to treat me as I deserve as well. No one wants God to give them the punishment they deserve, and that is why we have grace.

When grace comes into our lives- Grace then becomes the way we treat others, even our enemies. We have God’s favor upon us, and our hope is, God’s favor will reach into the hardest of hearts and soften them to the place of humility. We all hope God will even use our lives as a testimony of grace. What has God done in your life that you didn’t deserve?  What can you extend to your enemy to show them the same favor?

Today in the Workplace

Could it be justice is grace?  

Breaktime Bible Study: Bring Justice

1.   Read Today’s Breaktime

2.   Review Scripture


Because of their wickedness do not let them escape; in your anger, God, bring the nations down.  Psalm 56:7


    3.Answer These Questions:


What is David asking God to do?


Can you think of a time when you wanted your enemies treated as they deserve?


How did Jesus treat his enemies?


Who needs your prayers today?